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Subjective perceived impact of Tai Chi training on physical and mental health among community older adults at risk for ischemic stroke: a qualitative study  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Zheng, Guohua(郑国华)#[1]Xiong, Zhenyu#[2]Zheng, Xin[2];Li, Junzhe[2];Duan, Tingjin[3];Qi, Dalu[3];Ling, Kun[3];Chen, Lidian*[4]
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  • 摘要:

    Background: Evidence from quantitative studies suggest that Tai Chi produces a variety of health-related benefits, but few qualitative studies have investigated how older adults perceive the benefit of Tai Chi. The objective of the current study was to qualitatively evaluate the perceived benefits of Tai Chi practice among community older population.
    Methods: This study was conducted with participants from a trial examining the effects of a 12-week Tai Chi training on ischemic stroke risk in community older adults (n = 170). A total of 20 participants were randomly selected from a convenience sample of participants who had completed 12-week Tai Chi training (n = 68) were interviewed regarding their perceived benefit on physical and mental health and whether Tai Chi exercise was suitable for the elderly.
    Results: All participants agreed that Tai Chi training could relax their body and make them comfortable. Most of them thought Tai Chi training could promote physical health, including relieving pain, enhancing digestion, strengthening immunity, enhancing energy and improving sleep quality, enhancing their mental and emotional state (e.g. improving mood and reducing anxiety, improving concentration and promoting interpersonal relationship). Most of participants also agreed that Tai Chi exercise was appropriate for community older people. Three primary themes emerged from content analysis: Improving physical health; Enhancing mental and emotional state; Conforming with the request of the elderly.
    Conclusion: The findings indicate that regular Tai Chi exercise may have positive benefits in terms of improved physical health and mental state among community elderly population, and may be useful and feasible body-mind exercise to community elderly population for its positive effects and advantages.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Zheng Guohua,Xiong Zhenyu,Zheng Xin, et al. Subjective perceived impact of Tai Chi training on physical and mental health among community older adults at risk for ischemic stroke: a qualitative study [J].BMC COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE,2017,17.
  • APA:
    Zheng Guohua,Xiong Zhenyu,Zheng Xin,Li Junzhe,&Chen Lidian.(2017).Subjective perceived impact of Tai Chi training on physical and mental health among community older adults at risk for ischemic stroke: a qualitative study .BMC COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE,17.
  • MLA:
    Zheng Guohua, et al. "Subjective perceived impact of Tai Chi training on physical and mental health among community older adults at risk for ischemic stroke: a qualitative study" .BMC COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 17(2017).
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