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Polymorphs Co hydroxides formed between hydrazine and Co2+ as Liesegang bands in semisolid agar gel  期刊论文  

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    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS ISSN:0167-7322 2019 年 285 卷 (416 - 423) ; JUL 1
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  • 摘要:

    Co hydroxide polymorphs (green alpha-Co(OH)(2), red beta-Co(OH)(2) and brown beta-Co(OH)(3)) formed at separate positions in a test-tube. Diffusion of hydrazine hydrate downward in agar gel facilitated the reaction between hydrazine and Co2+ leading a dilatational wave of reactant concentration. The resulting periodic Liesegang bands of alpha-Co(OH)(2) were observed due to the diffusion hindrance of reactants. It can be deduced that the high concentration of Co2+ causes formation of alpha-Co(OH)(2) while the low concentrations produce beta-Co(OH)(2 center dot)beta-Co(OH)(2) is oxidized readily to form brown beta-Co(OH)(3) at the upper area of agar gel with high alkali condition and O-2 distribution. This study is helpful to learn the formation of more than one product and prepare multiple materials in single chemical reaction system. In addition, the obtained alpha-Co(OH)(2) has been stabilized in the gel medium for at least 3 months. It may facilitate its application in many areas especially in electrochemical area since alpha-Co(OH)(2) typically exhibits higher conductivity and electrocatalysis than beta-Co(OH)(2) while in the past its application often is limited by thermodynamically instability. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Meng Xiangrui,Mi Yijin,Jia Dongling, et al. Polymorphs Co hydroxides formed between hydrazine and Co2+ as Liesegang bands in semisolid agar gel [J].JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS,2019,285:416-423.
  • APA:
    Meng Xiangrui,Mi Yijin,Jia Dongling,Guo Ning,&Miao Yuqing.(2019).Polymorphs Co hydroxides formed between hydrazine and Co2+ as Liesegang bands in semisolid agar gel .JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS,285:416-423.
  • MLA:
    Meng Xiangrui, et al. "Polymorphs Co hydroxides formed between hydrazine and Co2+ as Liesegang bands in semisolid agar gel" .JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS 285(2019):416-423.
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